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Marketing Tips from author Danny Kofke, who has been featured in a number of publications including USA Weekend, PARADE, Yahoo Finance, Instructor Magazine, AOL.com, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, CBS MoneyWatch.com, FoxBusiness.com, The Wall Street Journal, ABCNews.com, Consumer's Digest, Bottom Line Personal, Your Family Today and The Huffington Post. He has also been interviewed on over 150 radio shows and on numerous television shows including The 700 Club, Fox & Friends, CNN, The Clark Howard Show, MSNBC, Good Day Atlanta and The Daily Buzz:

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Mark Mingle, Director of Marketing: http://tatepubmarketing.blogspot.com/

Terry Cordingley, Associate Director of Marketing: http://terrycordingley.blogspot.com/

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Tate’s Marketing Blog                        http://www.tatepublishingmarketing.blogspot.com/
Author’s Den                                      http://www.authorsden.com/

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